
Krista Larson Pens Strategies for Successful Law Firm Well-Being Programs in Bloomberg Law Column

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Stinson LLP Director of Well-Being Krista Larson authored a column for Bloomberg Law, "Use Bite-Sized Portions to Embed Well-Being in Law Firm Culture."

Larson highlights the firm's new approach to embedding well-being education into existing practice division meetings, which achieves different objectives than traditional continuing legal education programs. "We decided to launch 'Well-Being Bites,' a curriculum series that teaches a concept or strategy from the science of positive psychology in just five to seven minutes," she said. "Every Well-Being Bite is an opportunity to remind attorneys of the supportive resources and benefits at their fingertips."

Larson also provides insight into how an embedded well-being curriculum helps to reach a diverse audience, from summer associates to partners.

"Lawyers also tend to operate with much more urgency than your average person. They want to know what they can do and how they can fit it into their busy schedules. So skip right to the action steps," she says. "Keep it practical. The strategies you promote need to be realistic. Strategies that are in and of themselves 'Well-Being Bites' – simple and easily implemented – usually work best here."

Larson leads the implementation of Stinson's vision, strategy and programming to support the health and well-being of all constituents of the firm in alignment with the firm's values and its American Bar Association Well-Being Pledge. She also partners with firm and executive leadership on well-being strategy and initiatives.

Read the full column.


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